Cry Traitor and Sing Conviction

so sorry for the wait, got swept up by holiday stuffs!

The gray man spoke of a she-devil, and as she dismounted her brow furrowed in thought. Was he really talking about her long-gone cousin Talitha? That had been so long ago, when Sage still had faith in Inferni. She should have listened to Talitha; she had been right all along, after all. Sage hadn't belonged there, never should have stayed there. She was not much worse for the wear, though, and found herself much happier here in Ichika. However, as much resentment as she held for the russet woman and Inferni itself, she couldn't help but feel a bit hurt by his accusation. He gave his name, and now she remembered him. Yes, he'd been rather grumpy that day, hadn't he? "Saluce, that's right," she said, adjusting her bag and moving closer to him, golden eyes staring up at the much larger man on his mount, patting Lennon's large-framed pale body gently, brushing off bits of dirt and debris here and there. "Yes, Talitha hasn't been around Inferni in a while," she admitted, trying to hide the slight sadness in her voice at the fact. She worried about her cousin, and hoped that she was doing well, wherever she was. She had children now, after all, and they would need a strong mother. Sage only hoped that Talitha could provide that.

Sage cleared her throat, digging into her bag and sparking up a joint to loosen the strange tension she felt now. Did he really call her here only for idle chatter? "So, how have you been?" she asked, offering a small smile as she blew the thick smoke out of the corner of her mouth, dainty cream fingers holding the joint loosely up to black-lined lips. "I can't think you called me out here just to chat, though, or am I wrong?" Of course she wouldn't mind a nice chat; it was always welcome. But something in his tone of voice made her think it was something else, and she couldn't help but be curious.

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