[M] Touched for the very first time
.: WC 522 :.

The first night had fallen and with it the half moon came to shine her silvery light upon the realm of the New Dawn. Bathed in moonlight, the wolves could not resist the urge to sing their praises to the moon, nor could they resist the joy of singing their pack's first song. Titania stood proudly in a cone of light, the moon's shine complimenting her silver fur as she crooned to the skies. Though she cried to every star, to the spirits in the clouds, to whatever made up the blue sky, she most of all poured her heart out to the moon. Her voice reverberated throughout New Dawn, just one part in a greater chorus, but her wordless song escorted her thanks and delight up to the sky, up to the moon.

The moment was surreal. The land once abandoned was now home to a wolf pack... a wolf pack... not a kingdom, not a court, not a tribe or a clan, but a real wolf pack. They were connected, and in that moment Titania no longer felt like one wolf but instead a part of a larger being. It was as though their souls parted from their howling bodies to mingle among the stars and dance with the moon. She found it hard to stop as their wolfsong drew to an end, her voice being one of the last drawn out in a few lasting breaths. Finally her eyes were open and she looked at the world around her once more, watching contentedly as the pack members dispersed from the scene.

An ear flicked when she heard her name, spoken by her mate's velvety grumble. Her yellow eyes turned to him in time to see his dark form slip off into the trees. Her obedience was more than willing as she turned to follow. Yet the way he slipped into the brush... she had an idea what he was doing, and she, too, took a moment to step aside to transform her shape.

It had been a long time since she used her Optime form for much more than convenience. In the short months since her first change the girl had become a skilled shifter, and even out of practice was able to seamlessly change into her bipedal form within a short time. Another sound came from where Zalen had spirited away, and as soon as the last of her transformation was complete she moved smoothly through the trees to meet him.

“Good evening my Alpha, my love,” she said as she stepped toward him; she knew that they were equals now; that she did not have to address him so formally, but she wanted to. She wanted to savor their pack's infancy for all time.

The moonlight streamed through the branches to play on her features. She was taller now than when the pair had first met, and somehow her curves had become even more feminine than before. There had been no time to braid or tie her hair, so her wild crimson curls now danced about her shoulders as though with a life of their own.

Table by the Mentors!

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