[M] Your rocky spine

wordcount: +605

The cry of the man echoed after his own, in a voice tantalisingly familiar. Sirius knew the sound of a man shedding his inhibitions – He had done so himself, often enough in his youth. However, a strange shiver ran up and down his spine, almost like anticipation.

It was the glow of the fire he saw first, then the outline of the man before it, and even in his stupor Ezekiel was a brilliant sight – The flames caught in his pelt and spun them like gold, twisting the melting hues together until the man burned as bright as the fever in his eyes. Sirius had always been a fanatical lover of beauty, and though he would never admit such a thing, the sight of his un-foe not-ally in such a state was enough to send electricity pulsing through his veins.

The wine bottle sloshed in his hand, its fragrance far preferable to the inferior poison that the son of Gabriel held. The Revlis man was well acquainted with the spirits of these drinks, and handled them far fairer than his polar king. Although he had already devoured half a bottle, the wicked brilliant of his mind was merely dulled, not clouded nor warped as Ezekiel’s was. Twisted, though, that was another thing – An inherent thing. His father had been the twisted prince of all, and his madness showed in glimpses within the dark and brooding portrait of the Thistle King.

Ezekiel’s raucous laughter made the hair on his nape stand erect, and the man’s yellow teeth glittered in response to the snarl-smile he was given. Although perhaps foes, each man knew the other far better than they might have wished; they were cut from the same thread, moulded from the same cruel clay, each a beast parading as a king. The primal forces within them would always battle for supremacy, but perhaps, dulled by liquor and hard emotion, testosterone-fuelled aggression could be swapped for something more preferable.

The darker man dismounted smoothly, the muscles of his thighs and back rippling with the motion. He was built taller than the other, but leaner; If it came to close combat there was little double that the bulkier, heavier musculature of Ezekiel would prove victorious. But each had their own strength – In the hunt and the long chase, Sirius and many other devotees professed his self unbeatable. The Warrior and the Hunter, that was what they were. That was what they always would be.

”You burn brightly tonight, brother,” The word of affection was a bit, a jest – They both knew that while they shared no blood, the men were too similar in traits not to consider the other’s monster kin. ”Has your father’s crown finally become too heavy? I could take it from you, if only to ease your burden,” The serpent grinned widely, his sharp teeth flickering ivory in the flame-light, before approaching. If Ezekiel had wanted to kill him, Sirius did not doubt that one of them would already be dead. But he walked cautiously, regardless, one eye constantly on the other even as he neared the warmth of the fire.

The silver mare melted back into the brush, but he would be able to call her with a whistle, if necessary. Fingers fondled the dagger at his thigh, before lifting the bottle of wine to his lips for a quick swig. Narrowed pupils took in the other man’s poison and glittered in distaste. ”If you wish to dance with devils, then the least you can do is enjoy it,” He remarked dryly, before tossing the bottle of his own blood-red concoction to the Aquila.

Sirius Revlis
Hail the Conqueror Worm
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