the devil never sleeps alone.
Hmm, she's not shifted, I think? Should he shotgun it for her? XD

It wasn't the first time de le Poer and D'Angelo blood reacted poorly together. Like milk and lemon juice, it seemed they soured on contact. Damian and Misery's litter was a thing of nightmares. Perhaps as the blood diluted through successive generations, the mixture became less volatile. Across the ocean, Matinee and Ahren's progeny lived on. Maybe it was something about this place, then... something in the water that made the combination particularly noxious. But Barrett was unaware of this historic trend — and even if he knew, he wouldn't invest much faith in the theory.

Apart from Anselm's sometimes questionable paranoia, his immediate family was the model of stability. Maybe Naniko alone wasn't a good sample size, but he saw nothing wrong with her. Be it ignorance or pride, he refused to chalk up Judas' issues to poor genetics or parental care. As far as he was concerned, these were just Things That Happened. Yeah, he muttered in agreement, sounding mildly perplexed. Although their interactions were limited, it was obvious he noticed his look-alike's burgeoning madness, too. Hopefully he'll snap out of it, he reflected, laughing suddenly. Knew this one kid growing up, Jensen. Guy used to eat rocks, he snorted. Turned out ok, though, makes a good scout.

That probably wasn't as helpful as he hoped. He wished he had better input, but child development was so far beyond him he couldn't even guess. Humour was his usual fall back, but he wasn't sure she'd appreciate him making light of the situation; unfortunately, it was the best he could do. He fumbled awkwardly with the lighter and sparked their treat, then took a slow hit. He exhaled a cloud of smoke in a sigh. I can try to take 'em out more so you can catch a break, he suggested at length. Looks like they haven't torn Anathema down yet at least, eh? He didn't realise the pack might just be crazy enough to bring itself down.

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