What a burden
o.O Zana is 3 foot 6 in her optime. Pretty much all through Shiloh's speech, Jace is doing :| poker face whislt rambling on inside her own head XD Note: Jace did not find out Shiloh has MPD from Saxif though, that part was left out.

Her eyes followed, shrewd in their quickness as the burned woman stepped closer to her, there was an instinct for a second a wanting to raise her lips and present her with teeth to make her back away. The desire to stay away from those that are diseased or weak was within Jace strongly as it was within all animals, the fear of catching it themselves or passing it on to offspring was a real threat. Had Shiloh not been with child then that would have been the reaction she would have gained but as it was, only Jace's compassion for a mother in need kept her ivory fangs covered. The unreadability of her expression remained upon her scarred face and even the blue and amber fire that was her eyes showed no change as Shiloh leaned forwards to touch her.

The touch was soft and brief but still Jace wanted to reject it out of sheer principle. Had a wolf as ragged and torn as Shiloh descended her company upon the pack of Jace's birth then she would have been met with suspicion and even outright hostility from some, Jace's small family among those who would have shown teeth and threatened with claws. Their own weak and sick were tenderly cared for and lovingly sent to the beyond when their time came, outsiders were scorned and spurned, sent away to die a dishonorable death in the ice and snow. What could she say to that? She could never accept the apology given to her, nor forgive Shiloh for her actions, she had practically made herself an enemy with her thoughtless actions, so merely the phrase of, "I see." came from her blackened lips. If she was looking for an 'apology accepted' she would receive none from Jace.

Still she again listened with quiet attentiveness as Shiloh spilled yet another story, this time the reasoning of how she had come to attack Samantha Jarret, mate of Rain Marks. A slight narrowing of her eyes were all the emotion change she showed and when she was finished Jace saw fit to speak more than two words,

"Revenge is a feeling I can understand entirely. However your actions, attacking an innocent girl, regardless of whether or not she was my friend are what has prompted such animosity from me. Had you attacked Rain Marks himself then maybe forgiveness would have been forthcoming, but if it is what you seek from me now, you will not find what you are looking for." She lapsed into silence for a second before adding on, "As an added part, most of your history I have been aware of for some time."

The question of her scars though had her body tensing up to a pole straight position, the scars on her face distorted as her muzzle pulled into a grimace. A dishonor within her culture it was to ask where scars had come from. Had Shiloh's mother taught her no manners? The blue of her left eye was hidden as the single lid closed, beady hawk amber however stared down at the weaker individual for several seconds hiding disdain and the suffering that still existed deep down inside of Jace. Then blue snapped back to attention and again both looked down upon Shiloh. She gestured to her face,

"From a murderer of many, he shall answer for his crimes." She did not turn to show off her spinal scars though, she was not a cow to be inspected for auction, "Those that occupy my back, from the man who saw fit to force himself onto me in body then return to murder the children he sired." There was a flash of teeth then. Although it took the form of an almost amused smile no humor was within her gaze only cold and ice that simmered with their longing for revenge upon the demons that had destroyed her family and marked her body and soul.

"Strength is a choice you make. For me there is no option of weakness, I won't allow it to occupy my life." Her tail flicked behind her with pride, she had never succumbed to her mental illness and continued to still beat it back in an almost daily battle. Her berserker insanity would not and could not be allowed to surface unless it was direly needed.

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