Old Friends
.: WC 425 :.

New Dawn had finally seen its first day, and it had been glorious. Everyone arrived as expected, and it was amazing to look around at all the faces of those who wanted to live like she did. When she looked into their eyes she saw the same hope that she felt for this pack, for this world, and knew that together they would grow strong. This was just the beginning, and soon others would hear word of New Dawn and seek out their guidance. Of course, with that came many new challenges and responsibilities, but with Zalen and her pack at her side, Titania was prepared to face them.

Not wanting to let a perfect day blow things out of proportion and make her feel complacent, Titania found a way to make herself useful that day. They needed to stand strong and prominent if they were to keep their new realm, and it had been days since she and Zalen first walked this land and marked the territory for themselves. The Alpha wasn't about to let his scent fade from the borders, but this was still a two person job. So Titania trotted the perimeter of New Dawn, leaving a fresh marking anywhere that their scent seemed light.

It was thanks to her duty that she found the outsider. Nose to the snow, she was sniffing the layers of powder to gauge the strength of the scent when the sound of a howl came to her ears. Her head jerked up and she was like a marble statue for a moment, frozen and listening. There... the sound was coming from this way. Her paws jerked into motion as she swung around and pranced toward the sound, her head held high and tail curled upwards. She wove through a coupling of trees, hearing voices now, and when she rounded the massive trunk she saw the stranger standing just at the edge of her borders.

Titania bristled. This was not a face she knew, not a friend from the past or someone she had come about while she worked to bring New Dawn to light. Well, let's just see what she wants then.

“Well met, stranger,” she began cordially as she trotted forward, her tail high and her eyes looking straight into Terra's. “These lands are no longer open territory. If you're looking for someone, they're probably not here. This is New Dawn's realm now.” It was direct enough, spoken evenly with all the information she needed to convey... a very gently worded, 'bug off.'

Table by the Mentors!

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