The snake in the hen house
ooc Here we go! Sky, we briefly spoke about this opening scene. I made some assumptions based on what we all talked about, such as Orin making it that far into Sky's house, Tal not being home, and Sky being asleep. It is happening at a different time of day than planned so if you want me to change it I'm more than happy to adjust, just let me know if anyone requests a change.
This thread is back dated to January 1
Sky and Orin for a few posts, then Skye, Tal, and CdA spectators (we'll give word when it's ok!)

It would have been better to wait for night to fall before making her move, but there was no time. Orin couldn't give the Devil a chance to hurt anyone else, not now that she knew. If it happened now then she would be responsible for it... how could she just sit back and let someone die if she could stop it?! Maybe it wasn't going to happen soon... maybe not today, or tonight, or even this week. But the truth was inevitable, there was a snake in the hen house, just waiting to strike.

She should have known when his son gave him away. They were probably in cahoots, but the boy was some lesser kind of demon. Sure, Liam killed a puppy, but it took a true evil to be able to hold in that bloodlust until the time was right. Some kind of sick, true madman, like a wolf waiting patiently for the right time to strike his prey. He was probably on the look out now, waiting for someone to realize what he was, waiting for someone to get a clue about why Liam had done what he did, and why Taliesin begged Skye to spare his life. Maybe he even had Liam lying in wait right around the corner, beneath their blind little noses.

She was edgy as she rushed down the back alleys of Thornbury, looking over her shoulder constantly. Shadows became great beasts and the wind was a thing to flinch at. She tried to keep her drumming heart calm but the throbbing filled her ears, drowning out some of her senses. Did he know? Could he know? Was he following her? Or was he just waiting for her to come to him?

She panted as she rounded one of the stone houses, feeling supremely naked now that she was in the open street. She was wrapped in her sheepskin cloak – not the fancy pink one – and the hood was pulled up over her head as if she were cold. She wasn't though; if she could sweat her fur would be soaked, even in the winter chill.

With each step her stomach churned, and she screamed inside herself. 'Don't go there! Don't go there! He'll be waiting for you! He knows that you know!' But she couldn't stop, she couldn't turn around now. He had her... she had to save her. Her golden eyes barely acknowledged the collection of skulls and trinkets on the porch as she stole up the steps of the witch doctor's house.

Now what? Prance on up to Evil's doorstep and knock politely? I don't think so. Orin glanced over her shoulder to spy the empty streets of d'Arte. No one was there, so she slowly reached out and tested the handle. There was a click as it unlatched and Orin swallowed hard. So, it was unlocked. A trap? Or just the security of a packmate within pack borders?

She eased the door open, straining to not make a sound, and edged slowly into the main room of Sky's house. Golden eyes flickered as she peered around, and she thought for a moment that the very beating of her frightened heart would give her away. If he was here she was surely done for, but she had to save her... had to save...

“Sky?” she whispered in a shaky breath. The house was eerily quiet as her imagination filled with images of the gory scene she was sure she would discover at any moment. She eased through the house, certain the next footfall would make the floorboards creek and give her away, but as she moved through the house she started to think that perhaps he wasn't actually here. Then again, was Sky? Her courage mounting, she slipped through the house that she knew so well from the snowstorm and into Sky's sleeping quarters. There she saw a lump in the bed. Was it Sky? Why was she sleeping in the middle of the day? Orin knew that she would pull the covers back and find the next murdered Artist, and shakily she pressed forward to find out.

One of the boards finally did groan just as she was next to the bed, leaning over the violet haired woman. There were no blood soaked sheets, and her chest rose and fell with even breaths. It was just a late afternoon nap, probably exhausted from pregnancy.

“Sky? Sky... Sky, it's Orin, wake up!” She whispered harshly as she bent down to gently nudge her pack sister awake. Her eyes were wide with alarm and she held a finger to her mouth to signal Sky to be silent when she awoke. “Sky, you're in danger. We've got to get out of here. No time to explain, lets go!”

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