Cry Traitor and Sing Conviction
((no worries darlin, was bound and determined to keep an eye out for your post, because I wasn't going to let this one die))

He smiled a bit; again his posture was anything but hostile. Watching her dismount and listening to her with an open ear. He mentally recoiled when she lit her joint, remembering the bad sneezing fits that stuff sent him into if it hit his nose wrong. Saluce edged Charlemagne a bit away for a moment under the guise of giving him room to dismount, but more so to get him away from the smoke. A long leg swung over the horse before he slid down and onto the soft snowy ground. It would have been easy for him to fall into a soft pleasant conversation with her though, she seemed so nice and easy to get along with it that it helped to calm him more than anything.

“I’m doing good, X’yrin keeps me busy, and so does Nayru. Stubborn woman she is at times.” He smiled, but didn’t reveal why Nayru was keeping him busy. Figuring it wasn’t much of anyone else’s business if she was pregnant and X’y and him where welcoming her in their den. Nor just how stubborn she was in wanting help. But Sage’s phrase brought him back to the original purpose of this meeting.

“Sage is it?” he said with a smile, seemingly remembering her name after all that had been recanted between them. “You are a part of Ichika now, and no matter if I’m from Dahlia and you from Inferni I hold no ill will toward you. Rather I think it my duty to ensure the safe keeping of everyone here, and that includes you. “ he paused a moment to let that sink in. His arms uncrossed as he looked up toward the mountains for a moment, pondering his next phrase carefully.

“It has come to my attention that Inferni labels you a traitor? This worries me, because I’m fearful for your well-being and any future potential squabbles between the two packs. So Sage, what happened to bring you here, is there anything I need to know so I can better judge what preparations if any I’d need to make if they decided to come after you?” As socially awkward as he was at times, he was after all a big softie, and he took the packs security very seriously. Maybe he was overstepping his responsibilities but those things never mattered to him, just that there was an extreme absence in the pack of people who cared to plan for such things if they ever happened.

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