[M] Touched for the very first time
OOC text

In the moments before Titania’s arrival, Zalen stood very still, save for his ears which turned ever so slowly about his skull. He was taking in the sounds, his sense keen. He could hear the wind, howling through a far off canyon, and closer, the skittering of night time creatures. He could even hear the rustling of his pack mates, socializing and settling down for sleep. It was unusual for wolves to sleep through the night, but it had been a strenuous day, and they needed rest. Soon, he would join them, in the warmth of the den.

Then, she appeared. Like moonlight personified Titania stepped through the brush to join him, her optime form lithe and silvery in the dappled moonlight. He had not seen her in this form for several moons, but even now it was different. The curves of her hips, of her breasts where different, fuller, more feminine. She was taller even, and where he had once towered over her now their gaze was nearly even. Her mane flew wildly about her shoulders like a lion, and her golden eyes seemingly glowed as she looked upon him, and greeted in him politely.

Zalen was suddenly overcome by a feeling he had not experienced in time, and never with Titania; lust. Though she was young, not even a yearling and too young to bed, he had chosen her as his mate and she was beautiful, sultry, even if she did not intend this. The ebony Alpha suddenly found himself wishing that it was spring time, so he could take his mate fully as nature intended. But for now, to gaze upon her would do, to touch her without true intent would be enough.

Zalen reached out for her then, his dark hand splayed against the small of her back as he pulled her to him. Their bodies met, two heats touching in the moonlight. He wrapped his arms around her then and began to kiss her, first on her chin, then her cheeks and then moving downwards to the cusp of her throat. She smelled of the trees, of New Dawn and of him. A growl then emanated from his throat as his senses were accosted by her feminity and he was suddenly glad at her age, a complete turn-around from a moment ago. If Titania had been mature, if god-forbid she had been in heat, he would have not been able to stop himself. Even now, with no hormonal aide he could feel himself become aroused, just because of her very nature.

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