[M] Dark Souls

Word Count :: 689 OOC

The taste of fresh blood upon his lips was like best aged wine. Pink tongue rolled over his maw, claiming what little flesh remained there. It had been a prosperous day and Helotes had just finished a meal of a yearling deer. He sat beside the carcass for a while, letting is stomach expand settle from the large fresh meal he had just devoured, his eyes searching the tree line of the for any movement. He was not in the mood to share today, in fact, Helotes felt pretty dominant and pleased with himself. Leaning back against a tree, now assured that no one was nearby, the dark Lykoi closed his amber eyes to once again replay what had happened to him the night before.

He had met Zana the day before, nearly drowned in the ocean like a rat, with a gray puppy in tow. She had nearly died, but had found the situation amusing. Something about the way she had been that day, something about the way he had reacted, had caused him to finally break. Like a good friend he had returned her to the mansion, dried her fur, warmed her body by the fire. But the innocence was not be, for the wall that they had been so careful to keep up had finally broken down and they had succumbed to their baser instincts. He had fucked her then, with the pup fast asleep in front of the fire. They had made wild love upon the fur of the wolf he had killed. He hadn’t known it to be possible, had thought that his form would break hers would they have ever been to copulate, but it had worked, and Helotes reveled in it. Having seen her small form arch under him with each thrust, the sounds she had made out of pleasure rather than pain; it was like some surreal dream. A wonderful dream.

Helotes opened his eyes then, a content curve on his lips, half smile half snarl. He stood then, shaking his body off from whatever dust had dared cling to him, and trotted off towards the mansion, leaving the eviscerated deer behind for the scavengers and lower members of Inferni. He knew Zana was gone today, off doing her duties with her grey shadow at her heels. It was too bad too, Helotes would very much have wished to relive the night before, for now his testosterone was flowing again as it had in his youth.

The male basically strutted into the foyer, just in time to hear a clattering down below. His ears swiveled to the sound and his head tilted as Halo appeared from the cellar and basically stomped up the stairs to her room. She paid him no mind, most likely didn’t even see him for he was still in the shadows of threshold. He watched her backside with hungry eyes for a moment, before noticed that that the two angelic demon pups of hers did not scamper after her. Interesting, they must be out with a surrogate. This meant that Halo was alone.

Suddenly Helotes got a wonderfully wicked idea, a creation of his masculine mindset. Luckily he managed to push this idea aside as he began to ascend the stairs. Halo had looked in no mood to chat, but when was she ever? He had decided last time they had met to give her a few days before he confronted her again for idle conversation, though it had only been the day before yesterday that they had met on the rainy beach. And last time, and he was sure it was not a figment of his imagination, she had nearly let him look behind her icy curtain.

The male approached her door, listening for a moment and could only hear the soft voice of her breathing and the scratching sound of a drawer being opened. He took pause for another moment, mentally preparing himself for the worst, before lifting a large paw to rapt against the door, Halo. It’s Helotes. He said, his voice thick, no doubt from the masculine chemicals still pumping through his veins.

Image courtesy of Brujo+; Table by the Mentors!

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