Big Eyes Bigger Heart

Out of Character

Coding by Sie.

WC: 301 OOC: aww poor puppy!!!

In Character

Eclipse was on her way home from the borders after a tiff with a woman she hardly knew, and she was quite annoyed with the woman. But she was calming herself already. A good meditation session would do the young woman good. So she found the best place to just sit and relax, to let her anger flow from her and taken by the wind to die far away from her. It wasn’t that hard to get into the motion of the meditation, even as angry as she was. No it was actually pretty easy. So the anger dicipated from her as she took deep calming breaths.

Her ear twitched. She frowned, something wasn’t entirely right again, her ear twitched again. A sound came through and she opened her eyes. A plea for help, and it was a puppy! She stood up immidiately and headed for the sound, hoping the pup was ok, but it didn’t sound hurt. She hurried anyway, just in case the puppy was in immediate danger. When she got to where she had heard the puppy calling out she could immidiately see where the puppy was. She was the contrast of the the snow, so it wasn’t hard at all to see the puppy. Slowing down eclipse made herself known to the young pup.

“Hey are you alright?”

She asked bending down so she could be closer to to the pup and she feel slightly better to be near eye level with the woman. They had not met, but Eclipse could surely see that it was Jace and Temo’s child. She had met Jace when the older woman was pregnant with this pup, she wondered if she had brothers and sisters or if she was the only one like Eclipse had been.

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