[M] Dark Souls

Word Count :: 590 OOC

It was before the door was thrown open in his face that he noticed that the wood of the entry way had been badly splintered from recent abuse. His mind did not even have a fraction of a second to dwell on this though when the vicious face of the Triarri was staring at him, crimson eyes alight with pure fierceness. He looked back down on her, for he did have several good inches over his master when he was standing erect, and for a split second there was a calm before the storm when his lighted coals met her ruby reds. But then, he saw her face change, from one of shock and frustration to one of disgust. He knew why this was, the smell of Zana was on him, there was no hiding it now.

Like a dragon then she roared at him, but he stood before her like an unmoving rock as her shout blew past his face like a violent wind. He knew she was not angry at him, for he had seen her moments ago and the huff she was in. Helotes had recently become used to being Halo’s punching bag which was afforded to her by her claim as his battle master. The days that she was mellow were hard, but the days that she was in a mood were unbearable. Helotes was quite pleased with himself that he had managed to go through the majority of her training relatively unscathed, and he knew that this strength pleased her to some degree.

The dark Lykoi ran a tongue over his front lips and nose, which he pulled back momentarily to reveal sharp teeth. It was not a show of aggression, but instead a gesture that told her that there was no point in her trying to intimidate him, it would not work. Not today. You’re alone this evening. I thought perhaps I’d give you some company. Despite her mood he would not back down. Halo had become like a exacerbating puzzle, one that he wished he could just put down and walk away from but one that kept him coming back to frustrating ends. He would get to know his dark female cousin if it was the last thing he did.

He stood rooted at the doorway, not bold enough to push his way in but not cowardly enough to back away from her. Where she had intimidated him before, tonight he found fresh audacity. She could easily pick a fight with him here if she wished, and he would have to back down if only to save face in the policies of the clan, but he had an inkling that this meeting would not succumb to such violence. He knew that her frustration most likely stemmed from the actions of another clan mate, or her puppies, who seemed to have attained a relish for destruction, much like their mother. In fact, now that he chanced a glance into her room he could already see where their tiny fangs had gnawed at the furniture, the fabric, the objects; and he knew she did not like her things touched.

Despite her apparent antisocial behavior, Helotes did truly wish to spend time with her. He liked her views on life, they interested him, and her personality was entertaining all on its own. In the past month of training under her, he had begun to see past the dark Lykoi female that pushed everyone away, and instead saw the understandably proud woman who knew no other way.

Image courtesy of Brujo+; Table by the Mentors!

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