Long live love

Word Count → 364 :: I don't mind continuing if you don't~ Big Grin Also, the game is Marco Polo, just in case that...wasn't clear. xD

Sophie watched as the bangle was slipped onto her paw carefully, then took a few experimental steps around the area while Hotaru cleaned up her things. The bracelet didn't restrict her movement, and as long as she was careful, it didn't slip off her paw with every step she took. Grinning happily, she walked back over to Hotaru, watching as everything was stored away in her bag and it seemed she was getting ready to leave. The thought saddened Sophie, and she stepped closer, tipping her head curiously and pressing her ears back hesitantly. At the offer to walk her home, she cast her eyes down, and then perked up a bit as another option was given. "We...play? For while?" She asked timidly, her tail waving briefly. She'd learned all sorts of new games in the past week, and the thought of sharing some of these with her new friend. Though, she didn't know how well such games would work with Hotaru's eyes not working...

They would just have to invent a new game! She danced around excitedly, though not in the usual way she did so; rather, she lifted her paws and pranced in place, the bracelet sliding up and down on her ankle as she did so. Sophie tried to think of a game that didn't need eyes to play, and briefly thought of the one they'd played with Terra--but you needed your eyes to find people, at least she and Boothe had, so that wouldn't work. She turned in a small circle, not quite used to the way the bracelet felt on her foot yet, and then perked up. "Oh! Oh! Game!" She shouted, and then dashed off a little ways away, dropping into a play-crouch eagerly. "Alpha try to find Beta! Go 'Beta'! Beta try to find Alpha, go 'Alpha!' Walk 'round with eyes closed 'til find each other!" She explained as best she could, congratulating herself on coming up with something they could both do. It was the most brilliant idea she'd ever had, in fact, and she looked up with wide, hopeful eyes and wagged her tail eagerly, hoping Hotaru would think so, too.

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