I can end the planet in a Holocaust
The instant that Dhalia felt the brush of fur, it was suddenly gone, leaving only the faint sounds of steps as the other female removed herself from her previous position. Curious again, the young female ambled a few more steps forward, only catching a brief flash of images through the light, the other female making a leap for something. What it was, she was not sure, but turned herself in that direction, only to take a few more steps and then stop. Words hit her ears in that instant and she smiled to no one but herself, easing her body to the ground to take a seat.

"I could smolder a phoenix in to Nothing with the swipe of a paw." Her words were said with meaning, like she actually believed that should and, in fact, she did believe it. At the moment, though, her intention was not to harm. Rather, she simply wanted to have a bit of fun, which she would admit that she had.
"Since you're a self proclaimed phoenix, songbird, would you be the one to blame for this fire?" Of course, Dhalia very much doubted that she was the cause for it but, perhaps, she could get a bit of information about what was.


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