[M] Dark Souls

Word Count :: 621 OOC

He could see the cogs of her mind turning, calculating, as she watched him standing there, unmoving. It was like she battled herself; lash out at him, or withdraw? Both choices had their drawbacks, and he knew that Halo hated both of them. She was seething, he could tell, and something deep, deep inside him took great pleasure in this. The fact that the she-devil could so easily be swayed to anger was something that Helotes was starting to realized could be used as a tool against her. As frightening as it was, and as unlikely as it was that he would use this knowledge, Helotes did have some power over Halo. It caused the darkness inside him much glee.

This darkness was what Halo had been training him to control, to harness and use to his bidding. The creature that was his anger and blood lust had once been in control of him in the heat of battle, but now it was beginning to change. He had become adept at telling when he was being pushed to the precipice of insanity, and used the power of the vertigo of such an event to channel is ferocity. Under her tutelage he had become a clean, mean, killing machine. In fact, he was so confident in his abilities now that he sometimes wondered if he could beat the Triarii if they were ever to go head to head. Most likely such an encounter would end in both of their deaths but it was somewhat satisfying to Helotes to know that she would not overcome him as easily as she might have when he had come to her for training a moon ago.

Finally, after a pregnant pause, the dragon’s fire dissipated and she relented, inviting him into her room despite her apparent dissatisfaction. He nodded, giving her the smallest of smiles and stepped inside. It was meager quarters, not unlike his own, but kept much more tidy, save the chew marks. He glanced around, noted her katana placed up on the wardrobe, most likely to keep the sharp instrument away from prying puppy snouts. He then noticed upon the small chest of drawers several large pieces of bone apparently in a middle stage of being carved. Delicately, he reached out and retrieved a bone, a rib bone as it once was, and looked at it closely. The carvings were delicate, elegant, and there had been a hole drilled into one end. This was obviously meant to be a piece of jewelry. Helotes glanced over to his host, Is this your work? He asked his voice soft. If it was her doing it would come as quite a surprise, he hadn’t been expecting Halo to have such skill. He had taken note of her necklace and the small carved bone skull that adorned her dark locks but had never guessed that she was the creator of these things.

Helotes set the bone back down on the dresser before turning to look at her again. She looked exquisite as always, but this time quite dry, the complete opposite of what she had looked like the last time they had met. Her mane was growing long, longer than he had ever seen, but it was quite becoming on her, as short hair was as well. Helotes decided that he should stop staring and start talking, perhaps some conversation would lighten her mood, Your pups, they with a surrogate tonight? It was a stupid question, because he already knew the answer, where else would they be? Quickly he continued to try and save face, They’re quite rambunctious, His eyes traveled to the chewed up legs of the bed, Teething, too. He shot her a knowing smirk.

Image courtesy of Brujo+; Table by the Mentors!

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