Clouds of Winter
WC: 337

IC: Ayasha had come back from Cour des Miracles yesterday. It was hard to know she had to deal with her mother and all that was going on with her and Liam. She knew that her mother wanted to protect her from Ralla’s mistakes. She only knew part of what had happened with Kemo and appreciated her mother’s concern. But she also wanted to live her own life and learn from her own mistakes. But her mother had yet to see it that way. She was a year old for goodness sake! She was old enough to live on her own and learn from her own mistakes. Hopefully her uncles would be able to help her talk to her mother and convince her to let her go at the least.

So she had left early in the morning and ridden out on Ahuli. He was a good horse and was rather easy to handle. He wasn’t as nervous around her and she patted his head gently when she had gotten on. ”You’re a good horse. Steady like your name says, a drum.” She spoke in Low Speech. She was far from fluent in it but knew enough to communicate with her horse, as well as other horses. She thanked J’adore and her own curiosity for learning new things. She had early on, convinced her “uncle” to teach her Low Speech when she was going to have Inez.

She rode towards Cercatori d’Arte out of habit, though she didn’t really want to visit there anymore. There wasn’t a reason for her to do so with Liam gone and she doubted that anyone would appreciate her being Liam’s boyfriend. But before she could get very far, she spotted female gathering wood, lots of it. She approached and could smell Liam’s old pack on her and she inhaled slightly. But she would be friendly nonetheless. ”Hello there. Need any help?” She might have to be careful not to bring up Liam but that didn’t mean she couldn’t talk to the female.

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