Hurry up and wait
OOC text

After he greeted Noah an interesting smell reached his nostrils. He did take note that the scarred and flawed male genuflected to him in an acceptable fashion. It did not take long for Zalen to spot the source of the smell as a small bobcat ran up to join Noah’s side. Zalen looked at the small cat curiously, his face turning slightly to the side as he inspected it. It was strange to see a wild bobcat just run up to a pair of wolves, it was basically unheard of in fact, so Zalen had to assume that the little cat was in fact Noah’s companion. How odd.

Turning back to the wolf who was lying in front of him, stumbling over his words, Zalen stood tall above him and listened. So Noah was interested in the pack? Zalen was not sure what this meant, but he remained silent to let the blubbering male have a chance to redeem himself. But it was not to be so, for the bobcat instead was the one to speak, much to Zalen’s surprise. In fact, the ebon male could not help but to jump slightly when the creature began to speak in a tongue he could understand, despite a strong cat-like accent. Zalen looked at the cat as he spoke, and his words were rude.

Noah was as shocked as he, and embarrassed that the cat had spoken what he had so desperately been trying to find words to say. The ebony Alpha did not like this, and Zalen stepped forward then, fur bristled, lips being drawn over off-white teeth as he growled softly at the cat, How dare you speak for him. It is not you seeking refuge here but Noah. I ask that you remain silent from now on. He would not have this creature be so haughty in his midst, You should be glad that I do not run you off here and now.

Then, turning back to Noah, the large male leaned down to nuzzle the man on the snout, If it acceptance you seek then it is granted, though you must tread lightly. Your physical flaws may put you on the bottom of the pecking order, but we may have use for you yet. He then raised his head again, and quickly scanned the tree line to make sure this was not some strange ploy put on by Ichika, but sensing no one else he then looked back at Noah. I must ask though, that your cat friend not join us in the den. She may remain in the territory but does not have permission to act as a wolf. He then turned a keen eye to look at the bobcat, I would suggest that perhaps you search out members of your own kind.

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