Clouds of Winter
WC: 315

IC: The woman was wary of her but still friendly. She thought that she could understand why since the war that AniWaya had instigated. Maska was still ruining their lives and she was glad that he was gone for good and that she would be away from the Tribe soon. She would just as soon as she and Liam decided where they could go where he would be welcome. She wasn’t ignorant of his troubles but managed to love them in spite of them. If only her mother would see it that way everything would be much easier on both of them. Though she wasn’t going to talk to this woman about her issues with everything that was going on.

She dismounted and let Ahuli graze whatever he could from the mostly frozen ground. ”Might I ask why you’re building a boat? Is it for your pack, Cercatori d’Arte?” The woman introduced herself and Ayasha grinned. ”You’re the alpha aren’t you? My mom, Ralla, is a friend with your mate, Bangle.” She went to pick up some wood and then realized that she needed to introduce herself. ”I’m Ayasha, a scout from AniWaya. But you knew that didn’t you?” The question was partly rhetorical.

Ahuli neighed and she giggled. ”And this big boy is Ahuli. I recently got him.” She rubbed his nose gently and he gave her shoulder a nudge and then wandered back a couple yards away. She wasn’t really thinking and asked, ”How is your pack doing after all that happened?” She then realized that she would have no reason, at least that Skye knew, of knowing about the murder. So she might have to explain about how she knew and her relationship with Liam. Oh dear. She swallowed audibly and waited for Skye to demand how she knew about what had happened in the pack. Why couldn’t she keep her mouth shut?

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