I can end the planet in a Holocaust

Nothing. It sounded familiar...but she couldn't be sure that "Nothing" was the creature's name. She had been using her own last name, but maybe the red girl hadn't known that. Her question was confusing, about whether she had started the fire. Ember hadn't even been around the lands when they'd started. She hadn't ever considered that someone could have started it, either...she'd thought that it'd happened as a anything else in nature did, a natural way. Maybe lightning had struck a tree and it had sparked off.

"No...that wasn't me. I was away when it happened, actually. I came back when I saw all the smoke." She considered this. "I don't know who could have done it. Someone obsessed with fire." She had no interest in fire or learning how to make it. She hunted and ate her meat cold. That was how she liked it. If you ate it soon enough after you killed it, it was still warm...so why bother cooking it? "But you don't know who did it either."


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