The sin of the family

Gah! Thanks for reminding me. Sudden memory recovery!

Word Count → 318

It was a little sad, that as Orin stared at the man's scars and focused on the unfortunate ugliness, he was staring right back at her and silently marveling at her beauty. Certainly she would not be so rude as to tell him what she was thinking, but still her thoughts couldn't be helped. She felt bad when he spoke, knowing he saw the way she looked at him even as she tried to conceal the shock in her eyes. It was too late, even though she now covered it up he had still seen it to begin with.

Snapping back to reality, Orin shook her head vehemently. “N-no. I'm sorry, it's just you reminded me of someone for a minute. It's not every day you see a one armed wolf,” she motioned. Her eyes were apologetic for pointing it out, but then again it's not like Noah didn't know he was missing an arm. “I knew someone like that once back in Cour des Miracles. Its former king. We were friends.” She smiled softly, thinking about Jac. Still she couldn't help also remembering a pang of hurt at his sudden abandonment of the pack, even though she wasn't a part of that kingdom anymore.

“You're looking for Tal?” She cocked her head. “Are you a friend? I'm Orin, by the way. And you are... Noah?” She didn't mean to be able to fill his name in, she just did it, surprising herself. It was true, she had lived in Phoenix Valley for a short while under the disguise of Desdemona Moonsong. She barely left the church in her time there, but still the vaguely familiar gray form suddenly popped to memory. Noah had reminded her of Jac, but now that that memory faded she could remember seeing the scarred man before.

“Aren't you Noah? You used to live in Phoenix Valley, right?”

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