
Word Count :: 474 Squee!

Complete surprise was partly responsible for her quick retreat to the second floor. Nearly a month had passed and she had just begun settling into a routine of sorts, growing accustomed to Barrett and his two companions. Her stay had been far from uneventful thus far, seeing as her landlord led a life far from ordinary. Sex, card games and drugs appeared to be his favourite pastimes and Lilin could unfortunately say she had personally witnessed all of the previously mentioned, including public (the backyard was a public place, was it not?) copulating. Oh, she’d given him a piece of her mind all right! Lilin thought she had seen it all by now and was adapting quite well to Barrett’s bachelor lifestyle, feeling comfortable enough to incorporate criticism and cheeky comments into their daily exchanges with each other.

What she did not expect was the arrival of a male and his child, long-time friends of the earthen male she’d grown fond of. He had never mentioned them before, not that he’d ever referred to anyone but Axle and Grit since her move in. Perhaps the idea of Barry having genuine pals as opposed to customers and one night stands was a concept hard to grasp. Or maybe there was just more to the masked wolf than tomfoolery. Either way, the Azathoth heir had two new housemates whether she liked it or not. The husky had been polite and charming enough at first glance, albeit the emotional burden and heavy distress weighing down on him. And the child, who was unmistakably a large part of the stranger’s concerns, was delightfully oblivious to whatever grand issue had made his father seek help. He was confined to his very own puppy world where blissful ignorance reigned and he was the self-appointed prince.

If anything, the adult’s presence posed no problem. The little one, on the other hand, definitely had her on edge. Given her past with newborns, it was extremely difficult to withstand a puppy’s presence in the vicinity. She had watched her dam murder the innocent in hopes of achieving salvation and although she had never personally done the deed, Lilin was just as guilty for not interfering. Skeletons in the closet; everyone had them but she had enough to last a lifetime.

Footsteps in the hallway shattered her reverie. The two-toned femme soon came to realize she had been absent-mindedly perusing through one of her books in search of a particular reference. However, her search halted abruptly when it became obvious that her bedroom would soon be besieged by the male she’d met earlier with his little boy in tow. Hastily sliding the book under her pillow, Lilin then sat upright to greet the wolfdog having reached the doorway. “Hey-“ she paused already, allowing a few seconds to pass before stating the obvious. “Ezra, right?”

Image courtesy of jeremy vandel; table by the Mentors!

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