Big Eyes Bigger Heart
Her ears twitched as she heard someone approaching. Thinking it was a monster coming to eat her Dalgina screwed her eyes up, keeping them tightly shut. Maybe if she didn't see it it wasn't really there. The noise kept growing closer though, but so did the scent. It was of a wolf, and smelled like the dog she'd met. A friendly voice met her, asking Dalgina if she was okay. Cautiously Dalgina pried one eye open. It looked like a normal wolf. Slowly the other eye opened as well.

I-I don't know where I am. The pretty light went away, and [html] ingali[/html] disappeared. The little black puppy knew that it was probably because she'd moved away, but she really didn't feel that she'd traveled that far. Not too sure if the wolf would be able to fix things Dalgina studied her with large brown eyes. They blinked slowly, trying to measure the creamy wolf's ability. She was definitely tall, but Dalgina found that most grown ups were. She didn't think that made them all friendly and good at fixing things like her [html] mahn[/html] and papa were, but she could be wrong.

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