The Road Calls

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This strange female was far, far too cheery to be genuine. Io was far from stupid, she was no genius. No, far from that. But she knew, fairly reliably, what people were like by the way they acted. No one fooled her. It was a rare gift, inherited from her mother and developed so much more that her mother could ever dream of. But Io kept herself reserved, pursing her lips and replied, her voice as neutral as her posture. Even Neo seemed hesitant now. 'Hello'. She didn't reply to the cheery 'How are you?' It seemed far to lively for a strangers greeting.

While she wasn't stupid, Io kicked Neo on forward, smart enough to avoid looking suspicious herself. She could a much darker undercurrent here, something like that didn't go unnoticed by Io. Neo moved as usual, but his eyes flickered towards the stranger with paranoia in his eyes. Though granted, this was hard to spot, because he was only a horse and most believe horses could not think in that way. Io didn't know about their minds. But she felt that they had some kind of understanding about the world.The russet and white woman frown to herself mentally approaching the stranger.

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