If only for a while
Well hi there! How much coyote does Insomnia have in her by the way? That will sway whether or not she will be allowed to join.

The ebony pelted matriarch was also watching the clouds, jade eyes were scanning the skies, a small smile crossed her lips as she realised that she was staring at the same sky as her children and her old pack mates; she loved the new pack dearly, she was already feeling very at home here, but she knew that she would always miss the others, they would always have a little piece of her heart. The clouds rolled over the sky with lazy grace, again a smile graced the ebony Beta's lips as she began to pad around the pack lands once again. It was now one of her roles to make sure that the borders were well marked and well defended, the dark female was relishing the role already, she felt that she was needed here, she felt that Zalen and Titania were respectful of her, that they were willing to take her advice, that they wanted her to give her opinions; that was not that she had not had that in Crimson Dreams, but Savina and Anu had always been so capable, they had run the pack for a long time, they knew that Soran herself was wise, they simply did not need her input, whereas Zalen seemed to value it, something which in turn made the dark Beta feel valued herself. Soran thought all of this whilst she padded around the borders, her tail held high in a dominant stance, it was something that was expected of her now, she was the Beta and so the other pack wolves were submissive to her, well at least at her discretion. She walked more slowly than she normally did, her injured leg was still not completely healed, but it was getting there, the pain was far less intense and frequent now, but the limp was still present every now and again when the damaged muscle would buckle slightly from having to bear the weight of the dark female. Paws barely left a mark on the snow covered ground as the ebony pelted female walked, she sniffed the air with every few steps, testing the strength of the borders and checking to see if there were any unfamiliar scents in the air.

That was when she caught the scent of another, dark ears perked up in curiosity; the sable matriarch always loved meeting new wolves, especially potential joiners, what the pack needed now was numbers and the dark female was more than happy to greet newcomers. She began to make a move towards the scent when the howl sounded, velvety ears swiveled to catch the sound, it seemed to be a female, calling for someone to come and meet her. Soran raised her own dark head and let out a loud call of response, she was not far away after all, she might as well go and meet this newcomer. The ebony pelted female then began to trot towards the source of the howl, she moved quickly, limping slightly with every few steps but moving at a faster pace than she had been capable of only a few days ago. The sable Beta slowed to a walk as she noticed the female sat near the borders, she seemed relaxed, sat upon her haunches, a smile playing across her lips. Soran gave a small smile herself before noticing the distinct coyote like features of this dark female that sat so close to the borders, she hoped that this was not the case, the pack needed numbers but she would not accept a coyote into the ranks, that was against their rules and somewhat against the sable matriarch's own ideals, she was not trusting of coyotes, she was more accepting of half coyotes but still she did not trust them very much. There were a few exceptions to this of course, but for the most part the sable female's mind would not be changed on the subject. Soran padded closer, walking with a steady pace now, raising herself into a dominant stance, her ears forward, standing tall, her tail held up high behind her; this was something that was expected in the pack, the newcomers were expected to show submission and she was expected to show dominance. The dark lady watched the young girl with careful green eyes, the coyote blood in the girl smelling far more obvious now that she was close by. The sable female wrinkled her nose in slight disappointment but changed her features as she came closer.
Hello there stranger, you called for someone to meet you? What is it you seek from New Dawn? Soran asked.

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WC: 768
Table by the fabulous Alli


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