[M] Bust up
Aeron had been wandering for hours not much on her mind and she was not sure what she wanted to do today. She tapped on her sword and thought as she walked along. It was calming being out and about and she had high hopes of just being at ease. She glanced up at the sky the weather cloudy but not to the point that nothing could be shown through. But something seemed off something seemed to not be right in the place that she wandered now. Aeron took in a deep breath and her eyes shot the the right of her. Blood and so much of it.

Aeron was beginning to slowly weed herself from fighting and from causing problems for the fact that it upset Io so drastically. She couldn't just pass by though the scent just made her curious.

She moved slowly and what she saw made even the killer inside her want to retch. The child was lifeless and aeron couldn't believe just what she was seeing. She choked a bit in horror as she said a silent prayer for the poor thing that lay before her. She moved away glancing back for only a moment as she lept up and grabbed a tree branch. She would follow the scent from a safe distance. she felt the training that she had gone through as a child seep back into her. She tied her cloak to a tree branch leaving it so that she could move swiftly. Only this time she had friends. Zenna lept next to her followed by Thisle. Go around the other way so that we can all meet up towards the smell. She said as both cats left her.

Screams could be heard but they began to die down as the thing was being killed, Aeron managed to catch herself on a branch not to far from the murderer. Disgusting who would ever do such a thing to another of their own kind? it just made aeron so sick.

Slowly she slid her knife from its pouch and weaved a string through the hole in the hilt. She took great care to aim carefully as this may be her only shot. With a slide of hand the knife was whirling through the air. she watched hoping it would make contact with its target.

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