all the same
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He had not really been abandoned here, but sometimes it felt like it. There was no one else of his kind, from his native sometimes he felt like an outsider even amongst friends. Zephyr didn't know a lot about shifting, etiher, even though the wolves on the boat had been Luperci themselves. They had never shared the secret. He did not really like the idea of changing forms, though, from his natural four legged one.

"Almost did that once meself...but changed my mind at the last minute." He did not claim these lands, or any lands, really. He was a wanderer, a drifter by nature. He did not know what he wanted or who he would like to live with, if anyone, and was perfectly all right by himself. He could entertain himself for days and was all that he had had to do on the ship. "Aye, adventures. Wanted to break away from home, get away from my parents for a while. I can always find a ride back up there if I need ta...but I think livin' here'll suit me just fine. Maybe not here, on this spot, exactly, but somewhere."


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