The snake in the hen house
The Witch Doctor

Word Count → 355 ::

Skye appeared, defensive and confused just as both medic and cat were. When Orin shoved Sky to go inside, she went with it, rumbling a protest of 'hey, not so rough' but otherwise not fighting with the frantic, frightened packsister. The short explanation she gave made Sky want to fight for her mate, but at the same time... Orin, what in blazes are you talkin- She didn't get the chance to finish.

Orin flew to the door and howled for the pack, an action that had Sky now rolling her eyes and sagging her shoulders. All of this was over harmless, poet Taliesin? Then Orin came back inside and apologized, though not for what Sky wanted an apology for. When she tried to talk, yet again, Orin was off and going, this time about the unborn pups.

Fella moved away from Sky instinctively and the medic's hands went to her stomach, ears pinning back. Orin, I don't know what's gotten into you, but I think you're over reacting about this. She was worried that the pups would end up.. like Taliesin? Smart, educated, spiritual, compasionate... how were this things bad, again? She rumbled in annoyance, still confused but no longer worried like she'd been. She moved towards her frantic friend and put a hand on the woman's shoulder. Orin, sit down before you hurt yourself.

She wouldn't deny the suspicion behind Taliesin's darker side. His son was a murderer and he had a vicious temper. She remembered for a moment, the fight they'd had, and how he'd sworn he wasn't like Lucifer... but for a moment, she wondered if it had been a flash of denial? Was he fighting demons too? The more the pregnant woman's mind wandered, the more she started to believe Orin's babbling. Was Taliesin evil? Instead of moving to sit Orin down, Sky found the first chair she could and sat with a plop, a hand on her stomach, the other running through purple hair. She looked to her leader with a pleading expression, begging the higher ranked woman to help. What the hell as going on here?

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