Hush Hush Little Fish

WC:369+ - OOC blah would go here

The Sawtooth male laughed at the black male, oh how over the topic with the drama he was. He was on this topic about what that lady had told him, something about state…what state? The Sawtooth male rolled off the couch as the male went on, and on. Noah had blocked him out. The silver male rolled to his feet, standing up the male playfully swung at the black male, with a wink the male staggered back to the fire place in his cabin.”She’s got you whipped..HARD” The male lost it laughing at the very second the last word came out of his mouth, bending over the male laughed slapping his legs. ”Get it…hard?!” He laughed harder and harder at his world.

Standing back up the male stood up as tall as he could, with without standing on his tip toes. Trying to stand still, he looked to the black male, ”Look…I’m just having some fun! Hotshot and I…we like to party and have a good time. “ The male leaned against the brick wall of the fire place, there he knew he could not and would not fall over. ”I’m sorry about your brother dude…” Noah spoke in a simplistic matter. It was not occurring to him that maybe just maybe that Temo was talking to him about him. It was just something that flew right over the Sawtooth male’s head.

Falling over him-self as he went to the couch he reached under the very bottom of the couch, and offered up a bottle, a newer bottle had had tracked down in Glasglo. There was a nice surplus down in that little town and the silver male had planned on keeping that little secret all too him-self.
Opening the bottle that he pulled out from under this couch, the male swayed it side to side. The silver male brought the bottle to his mouth taking a good two chugs from the bottle pulling it back the male swung it over to the black male, ”Try some! It will stop you from sounding like that nagging old hag that came here.” The male was blind to the fact, well the male wasn’t nagging he was just expression his concern.

Image courtesy of SantiMB .@Flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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