We are the rulers of the nations

WC:238+ - OOC blah would go here

The silver male watched the little brown lass with the silver pot; she was like a shimmering spot in the horizon. It was actually very intresting looking, with the sun shimmer bouncing off these metal building, and then the female moved up the streets with this old beaten pot that was on her head, and with her moving up and down and the silver male couldn’t quite make it out, never the less it was a sight to see. It was funny and at the same hand cute.

Watching the little lady the male stood up moving over to the side as he sat in the shadows of the building the Sawtooth always loved to watch other, he wasn’t much for being the spot light, the male was more than happy with sitting in the shadows and watching everything and everyone go by.

Watching as the little lady stopped looking right at him, he turned to look at her, closing his milky blue eye. ”Aye!” He said softly with a soft smile dipping his head to her. ”How are y..y..you Ms. Eclipse?” The Sawtooth male asked and he did truthfully care, he didn’t know much about her, but she had always seemed to be about the pack lands working on things, he wasn’t sure if it was just busy work so that her mind didn’t wonder of if this was serious stuff that she wanted to get done.

Image courtesy of SantiMB .@Flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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