[M] Touched for the very first time
OOC text

Zalen’s head swam as his tongue caressed Titania's neck; she tasted like the sweetest ambrosia. She seemed to melt into him, the two of them becoming nearly one, as her hands moved to embrace him, to feel him. He was not ashamed either, at his apparent arousal, but paid it no mind; there was no way for him to use this part of his body for its intended purpose now, that would have to wait until Titania went into her first estrus. Zalen became nervous when he thought about that time, for when it happened it would not only be he who would come after her.

This thought caused a rise him in him and he suddenly drew back his black lips to reveal teeth which he then used to bite her suddenly on the ruff. It was not a painful bite, but one that reinforced his claim over her as his mate. He would not have any other male have her, or have her get any ideas about becoming unfaithful to him. He cooled quickly though, and his soft kisses moved downward, to roll over her small yet youthful breasts. It was not so much sexual now but loving and curious. This was the first time in his life that he had been given the chance to investigate the female form, having never have had a mate before, and his brief meetings with Lucia having never been more than kissing.

He knew that the existence of breasts was something that had been caused by the virus, for the glands were not as engorged in lupus females unless they had puppies to feed. In luperci females in optime they were always present, as if the wolves in that form were in a constant state of virility and child bearing. His tongue quickly found a small bud of flesh hidden beneath ivory fur, but he did not linger there, for he suddenly became bashful and moved his mouth back up to her collar bone instead.

His tail began to wag furiously then, setting his entire well-muscled backside into a rocking motion and a playful whine escaped his throat as he moved his kisses up to her jaw bone, a sign of submission to his silver queen. You’re perfect, he said between laps, I am beside myself to have you as my mate and lover. The hand that was on her lower back then moved down quickly to cup her firm buttocks and he gave her childish grin.

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