Long live love

Word Count → 300 :: Out of Character text.

Sophie dashed as far away as the clearing allowed while Hotaru took care of her staff and the bag-thing she had, dancing eagerly from paw to paw before she closed her eyes and walked in small circles, waiting for Hotaru to begin the game. The moment she did, Sophie dashed away from her voice, then called, "Beta!" And stumbled about. She tried to be as careful as she could with her new bracelet, but she could hear the gentle clack, clack of the wood with every step she took, and had the feeling it would give her away. She tried to use her nose to find where exactly the older female was, but her untrained senses could pick up very little, and so she had to do her best to go without all her senses, until Hotaru spoke again and she could dash away.

She moved much more slowly and deliberately than she usually did, sliding her paws more than picking them up and putting them down again, and avoided running into trees that way, luckily enough for her. Hotaru had an unfair advantage, though, and Sophie had barely realized it when the game began; she wouldn't run into trees or trip over anything because she was used to doing this all the time, and Sophie wasn't, so she would. A pout crossed her face and she thought of opening one eye--just to peek, really, and that would be okay, right?--but that was cheating, and if there was anything Sophie wasn't, it was a cheater.

So she did her best to stay as quiet as she possibly could, not even breathing loudly for fear of being found, and holding in ferocious bouts of giggles every now and then. Despite the uneven gameplay, this was actually really fun!

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