[M] Dark Souls

Word Count :: 695 OOC

As he expected, Halo was not going to give up that easily, and she would fight him until the bitter end. But Helotes was up for the game, he knew how to match her, and would try to navigate every twist and turn she threw at him. In the end though, if the game were to come to a stale mate, it would be no loss; all’s fair in love and war. Her voice, as grating and impetuous as it was, was only a weapon she was using to try and draw down what little power he claimed. He would not give it up so easily. She could throw subtle insults at him all she wanted, but the fact that he slept with Zana the night before had absolutely no effect on this current situation, save to perhaps give him more guile than he could have mustered otherwise.

She showed him her teeth and he did afford her a little more space when she did it, not wanting to push his luck. He averted his eyes, not ashamed of what he had done, of who he smelled like; he gave no care now to the way she thought about Zana. Zana was not in the room now, the interchange between him and Halo had nothing to do with her. Helotes was sure though, that the softness in his heart would most likely give way to shame in the future, but it was not to be avoided. Such unfortunate emotions always came along when there were multiple lovers involved. Zana and Halo both were once unattainable and exotic conquests, but now having claimed one, who was to say the other could not also?

But it was different with Halo; where Zana had burned for him as much as he for her, Halo fought against him every step of the way. She was strong, but so was he, and despite her protests and complaints she had yet to completely shut him down. Therefore there must be a chance she was still willing to give him, if he played the game right. So he would play then, he would be as cunning as the serpent.

Helotes relaxed again, closing the space between them to where it had been a minute ago and looked back at her, I’m not sure she could have given seconds if she had even wanted to. He said with a touch of humor in his voice. It was true that the little Lykoi female had been quite exhausted when he had been finished with her, he knew this would not be the case if Halo would afford him a chance to do the same. He now took a risk, a dangerous step in the dance he was currently entangled with her in, Does it bother you that I took her to bed? This question was somewhat of a challenge. She could make it clear she was displeased, but the only reasons she had to be so were one of three; she could look down on him for being with someone she disliked, she could think less of him for sleeping with someone with an obviously physical flaw such as Zana had, or she could be jealous. In Helotes’ mind all three of these reasons were folly. Halo had no power over who Helotes slept with, or who he chose to have friendships with, so her being angry due to her own feelings would have been childish. If it were because of Zana being a pygmy, that wouldn’t negate the fact that she was a Lykoi, and carried the same genes as he or Halo. And if it were for jealousy, why then was Halo sitting here playing this game if she could just take him if she had wanted to?

But Helotes new that Halo always seemed to have an ace up her silky sleeve, and her reaction could be none of these. This was one of reasons he was so drawn to her, for she was sly and could think on her feet. It was skill that he was envious of, but one that kept him coming back for more and more abuse.

Image courtesy of Brujo+; Table by the Mentors!

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