[M] But break, my heart, for I must hold my tongue
[html]Word Count :: 420

Drakien's eyes followed the blonde dog's hand to her sword, and he waited for a moment for it to be drawn, or for some word of threat to be said, but there came none. Instead the hand fell away, and she spoke--no doubt of the horses, though he couldn't understand most of what she'd said. He spent another moment working through what little knowledge of the language he did have, and finally managed to gather that she was looking for good horses, though they weren't trained--or weren't fully trained, he wasn't quite sure. He nodded shortly, and then began shedding his layers--first came the bags, set aside against the corral holding the horses. Then came the fur cloak, which he folded neatly and set atop the bags, and finally he lifted the skull carefully off his head, setting it aside atop his other things.

Beneath the heavy cloak and outrageous skull, he was dressed rather simply, in a white button-up shirt and a pair of burlap jeans. He moved forward carefully and swung himself over the short fence, causing most of the horses to back up and snort, tossing their heads. They were all younger than the ones he was used to, and seemed unused to Luperci, but after moving among them for a while and sliding his hands over their sides for a bit, murmuring in Russian--what he said didn't really matter, and he didn't bother to keep track of it himself, though he tried not to do anything so mundane as muttering how beautiful the creatures were. They weren't, really, nothing like the sturdy mountain breeds he'd grown used to, with their large bodies and long, elegant necks. These ones were unlike any he'd seen, and he supposed they were bred here, but their anatomy was the same, so he was soon able to tell which ones would be best for the merchant woman.

Brushing his hands off, He swung himself back out of the corral, and moved to point out the handful of horses that appeared able-bodied enough for a rider. "I am unused to breed." He said quietly, "But few meet standards." He paused in pointing them out individually and turned to look at her out of the corner of his eye. "You need assist tying?" And then frowned, as that didn't sound quite right to him, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong. Then he shrugged, turning to mutter into his shoulder, "YA ponyatʹ eto v konechnom schete."[/html]

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