Don't Wake Daddy
Sarian whined as Rara cleaned her. Lucky for Kiara Sarian had gotten into some powdered vanalla and sugar. Sarian pawed at Kiara's face as she was cleaned, laughing and nipping as she was pinned and licked. She growled at being scolded. "who is Jace? Is she mean to you? Is she mean to Mama? I will bite her if she is mean to my family," Sarian growled. She perked at the thought of another friend. " can I play with her?" she asked as Kiara told her to stay and left to check up on her mama. Sarian was worried about her mama. She had come home one day so sad and depressed Sarian wanted to fix her. She had gone after her mama and lay with her. Shiloh had pulled her close and cried hot, fat tears into her fur, asking her if she loved her. Sarian had licked her and whispered her love for her mother while feeling her siblings kick and push against her mothers stomach. Shiloh had cried herself to sleep that night and Sarian was confused with what was wrong with her mommy.

Shiloh had stayed in her room since then and only came out to eat. Were was her Daddy? Why wasn't he making mama better. Sarian watched as Kiara went to check on her mama and she hoped nothing was wrong.

Shiloh lay awake in her bed, Aleo's scent all over. Where was he? Did he not love her? After her encounter with Jace she stayed away from the stables. Shiloh was not strong like Jace. She was cowardly and weak and she hated herself for it. Maybe she would be better off dead to the world. X'yrin would raise Sarian better then her. If she wasn't with pups she would have left the world a long time ago. Aleo left her. He didn't love her. He had knocked her up and left. Shiloh was pulled from her thoughts by Kiara's worried voice.

Was she OK? No. Was there anything she could do? Take the pups in her belly and raise them as her own while Shiloh killed herself. "Why didn't Saxif kill me when she left me? Why did Aleo say he loved me then leave. I carry his children. Kiara why am I so weak?" Asked Shiloh with pain in her emerald eyes. She reached for Kiara, needing the closeness of someone.

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