Older than the ages
Woo!!! Let the Robin harassment begin Big Grin

Robin had woken up a little later than she had planned to this day, she could not deny that she had needed the rest, she had not been sleeping well recently, the three young Aatte wolves had been sleeping on the floor of the living room of their house, but now that they were nearing a year old and growing into their full sizes there seemed to be less and less space to sleep; there was no longer any room for the patchwork girl to spread out and stretch, Linden's sudden growth spurt seeming to take up all the available floor space and Robin had to be considerate to Fee as well, it was true that the younger brown girl was smaller than her siblings, but she could not squash her into a corner just so that she could sprawl across the remaining space. Perhaps, the young patchwork female thought, it was time for her to look for a new place to live, perhaps in the hotel, yes that might be a good plan, she could have her own room and visit her mother and father when she felt like it, not being under their feet anymore. Perhaps she could convince Liam to come with her! He could have the room next to hers, that would be lots of fun, he was her best friend after all, though of course there was the awkwardness of that kiss, that stupid moment when the strange feeling that Robin got in the pit of her stomach whenever she was close to Liam took over and forced her to press her lips to his. That had been one of the most horrifyingly embarrassing moments of her life, even now thinking about it caused her cheeks to flush with heat, had it not been for her thick winter pelt her cheeks would be obviously red. Still, the time had come to apologise for the kiss, she couldn't hide from Liam forever, besides she missed him. The young female slipped her bow and quiver or arrows onto her back as she always did when leaving the house nowadays, they were her most constant companion ever since she, Liam and Ayasha had fought off the Aniwayan wolves, one never knew when they might find a weapon came in handy, besides how could one call themselves a hero if they didn't have any weapons.

The young patchwork girl wrapped a small blue scarf around her neck and set out into the day, padding quickly towards the house where Liam was still living. He was, like her, still living with his parents and probably, like her, finding it more than a little cramped. The patchwork girl smiled to herself as she padded across the lands, it would be good to see her best friend again, rather than hiding in the shadows, putting his present in front of the front door, knocking and running like crazy like she had done on his birthday, she couldn't help it, she had still found herself too cripplingly embarrassed to actually go and talk to the brown male that she had kissed. Today she was rather proud of herself, she was being brave, going to see Liam and to apologise. Soon enough the house came into sight along with another figure walking towards it, she recognised the well dressed male that was approaching the house, it was Strelein, the Dauphin of the pack, the young patchwork female did not know him personally, having never spoken to him properly, but she had seen him enough at pack meetings, heard enough stories about him to know who he was. The young female's tail began to wag as she sped up a little, bouncing along towards the house. Soon enough she reached the house itself, just after Strelein had called for the King.
"Hello! You're Strelein right? The Dauphin of the pack?" The young female asked loudly as she approached, still bouncing a little as she walked.

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WC: 659
Table by Erin


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