Long live love
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Sometimes the light that guides us along our paths, is not something that we can see, but something deep inside of us.

OOC: Small PP on Sophie, let me know if you want it changed.

Hotaru could hear every step Sophie made. No matter how carefully she walked, her large paws and awkward body prevented the puppy from walking with the grace of an adult. Her paws could be heard sliding along the ground, as the band on her arm tapped against the ground. The sound was oddly reminiscent of the sound Hotaru's staff made. As soon as the grey wolf spoke, she could hear the sound of scrambling feet as Sophie tried to run away. From off in the distance came the high pitched voice of a puppy, her cheerful cry told Hotaru exactly where she was.

The game was on. Hotaru stepped carefully through the forest, her footsteps light and silent. The blind wolf moved with practiced silence and her red tipped ears swiveled on her head and her sensitive nose followed the path Sophie took to her hiding spot. "Alpha," Hotaru cried as she bent down to pick up a stick her foot had bumped into. Hotaru waited a minute before moving again, this time she closed in on the small puppy. Hotaru's tail wagged a little, even she was excited by the game.

When Sophie was just a few paces away, Hotaru threw the stick over the puppy and it rustled the bushed a few yards away. The trick was meant to divert Sophie's attention while Hotaru crossed the last few feet. In one swift scoop, the grey wolf had Sophie in her arms saying loudly, "I've got you now." With that said, Hotaru flipped Sophie over and began to tickle her stomach with a gentle smile on her face. "Now I wont let you go." Hotaru sat down again and continued to tickle the small puppy. If Shopie wanted to she could easily escape from Hotaru's arms, if not the grey wolf would continue to tickle her until she was tired.

Wordcount :: +311

template by revo. <3 - Table and code modifications by Alex


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