Everything That I Do Is Never As Good As You.

OMG I'm so sorry D: I've been away for too long! Forgive me? *puppy eyes*

Umbra was regretting it a bit that he'd scared her, and he knew she hadn't really meant it that way, but what's done was done, and there was little he could do by now to change it. So instead of making it an issue, he listened to her, nodding a bit. She'd left? Left where? Southwards? He assumed that, because otherwise she wouldn't have been so confused about all the freaks; they'd been way too numerous north of the mountains.

"I'm glad you came back here, though," he said softly. "If you hadn't, I wouldn't have met you." It wasn't that he was fond of her, even if he felt rather protective toward her, but she was the first normal wolf he'd met. While Punk had been a wolf, she hadn't exactly been normal, had she?

"...Seeing as how you've lived here for quite a while, do you know of any good places to settle down?" While he wanted to find likeminded to live with, it would probably be easier to do that after he'd found good packlands.


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