[M] Dark Souls

Word Count :: 497 OOC

So it was a mixture of the reactions then that she served to him. Pity, he was hoping she would be able to overcome her silly prejudices so they both could spend some time together in bliss. But even as she asked him ever so sweetly to leave he remained rooted to the spot. He would not give up this time, and he would not let her run as she had the other day. It would end here, one way or another. Helotes wanted the Triarii and he might forgo sanity to have her. The Lykoi male let the rumble in his throat that had been so lusty before take on a threatening edge, You know nothing of my standards.

His blood began to quicken then, for he felt his chance slowly slipping away from him like sand which he desperately tried to cling to. He had gotten so far with her this evening and he felt like he would not be able to get this point again if he were to retreat. So instead of leaving as she had so eloquently asked him to he leaned closer to her, the muscles of his chest touching the satin like fur of her shoulder. Her eyes were like blood rubies, full of fierce darkness that had once frightened him but now goaded him on, his own amber eyes seemingly glowing through dark rims. The air between the warriors then was full of static, of a dangerous energy that seemed like it could consume him at any moment.

He then finally risked speaking what he had been so desperately trying to hold back from mentioning before, for he did wish to succumb to pleading. But what came from his mouth was not so much of a request, but came forth almost as a command, Put aside your judgments for a moment to see the man before you, the one that only has eyes for you... Don’t let this slip away, or you may never again have the opportunity. He looked at her again, the look in his eyes genuine but not soft, instead holding a fierceness that came from the heart of him. She should not deny him for such petty reasons; he was strong, his genes as superb as his love-making, if she would only allow herself to submit to herself for just a moment, instead of being ruled by darkness in her soul.

He then, finally, as he had so wanted to do so on the beach the other day, reached up to push the darkest of locks up and away from her bronzed features, his large paw straying right over the most dangerous part of her. He didn’t care of the danger anymore, and was putting out all the stops to evoke some kind of reaction in her that was not calculated, whether it be violent or carnal, he would take either. And suddenly before he could stop himself, a slip of the tongue, You’re beautiful.

Image courtesy of Brujo+; Table by the Mentors!

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