[M] Dark Souls
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sswm 794 Powerplayed a little--let me know if you want it changed.

The warm rush passing through red flooded veins brought fever to her eyes as she waited for him to return to his feet and walk away from her forever. Excited hues watched him grounded to his spot, ignoring her polite request to leave her and her quarters. The rumble changed nature, though more than ever, it was but a sweet caress to the woman’s pointy ears. The dark man didn’t allow her to reject him so easily, and she was glad. The woman dearly loved her standing in the clan, where everyone but one had to bow their head to her if she willed it so. She loved her arrogance and the power she held over the lesser members of Inferni. But with time it had become monotone and she didn’t wish to be the one to bite off heads. She didn’t want a male who dared not challenge her ruthless behaviour.

If he was to retreat, it would end with that. She would continue to train him, for he was her Hydra and capable at his rank, but that would be it. She knew she wished him to be a finer ally than that; more than an insignificant pawn of painted wood moving across a board of black and white. She could move along without him if she so chose, but there were advantages she desired to capture in greedy palms. He said she knew nothing of his standards and he was right, of course, but it wasn’t possible for her to draw a different conclusion than the one she had voiced out loud. She wasn’t capable of seeing whatever Helotes had seen in Zana. But perhaps that was the point.

Just like the men had been mere playthings in her distant path, perhaps so were women to him. She knew the pleasures of intercourse, and didn’t struggle to understand the hunger that seemed to have brought him to her doorsteps. But the woman didn’t wish to be just the tool to grant him temporary satisfaction, although she didn’t struggle with the thought of making him hers. It was the thoughts of the wicked and accepted as long as they were hers. Her scarlet gaze returned to linger as he shuffled closer, bringing words that again wished to make her laugh. But almost in a good way. He was serious—so much was clear to her—but suddenly he was the one that made himself precious. Was he saying that she should take this once in a lifetime chance because he only had eyes for her?

As her mind worked to decide on the better response, he made a disturbing move, allowing his fingers to reach for another loose lock that had fallen into her face. The woman hadn’t even noticed it before he reached to push it out of the way. But the slip of his tongue was too much. Who the fuck did he think she was. Her lesser frame turned on him, quick as a dashing cobra. Her hand targeted his broad chest with the intention to push him away and down on his back. The rest of her followed, grace intact despite her bold burst of muscle. She half leaned over him, dark auburn hair falling over her shoulder and towards him, as if reaching. ”Are you trying to seduce me?” smiling lips asked, light hearted intrigue dancing within ruby lit eyes. The hand on top of his chest stayed, partially supporting her light weight while cat-like claws shallowly rasped against his skin. She didn’t need him to breathe pretty words. She could imagine the method was effective on Zana with all her flaws and shortcomings, but Halo knew well that she was beautiful, and didn’t need to have the obvious stated.

”I don’t need your pretty compliments,” she then hissed, though fever hot gaze didn’t disapprove of the eyes they were fixated on. ”It’s my belief that action speaks louder than words,” Mouths spoke lies daily, and it was a tool that was easy to use. She didn’t require him to vomit poetry and words of affection. That was not what she was after. She was a child born from rape and gone through the same horrors before she had come of age. She didn’t know the soft affection that could exist between two true lovers and the time they spent together. She didn’t think he knew what he was asking for, for Halo wasn’t a tender lover. Though, being the receiving end of harsh beating during their sparring sessions, she supposed he already knew this.

Your faith walks on broken glass

Halo Lykoi


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