[M] Torches and blood

Aeron's ears flattened against her head she made her choices and had stuck to her guns she had never faltered from Io since the encounter with Charm. She had been as loyal as anyone should She never asked Io to stop doing the things she did but that didn't matter. she leaned off of charms stick as the aging woman took it and moved away.

Aeron had earned this from Charm. this was what she deserved and she didn't care. She was waiting for the child to come back with more wolves and to finish her off. Aeron could not fight forever she was not willing to. she made no attempt to move closer to charm as the woman made a motion that meant nothing to Aeron. she raised her hand waving it. Forget it

The words were emotionless. She had become a cold creature from living the life she did. she had immersed herself in work to stay from Io and Io did as Io did. She looked at charm dim gold eyes watched her. "Shall I dig your grave? and after I'm done leave?" She had found that she was sick of being the problem.

Adwen had sworn that Aeron was the reason no one was happy. Maybe the white girl was right. Maybe she was the reason maybe she should dig the grave for herself. Looking at her arm she wished it had been deeper. she wished that the wound had been the end of her. Now the thoughts of just handing herself over to those who had come to get her from the south crossed her mind. Who would miss her? Not Charm not Io. She sneered as she looked at the ground.

I thought I'd grow old happy in her arms every night. She was an angel sent to me. I'd come home soaked in sweat and sometimes blood. but she didn't care. Aeron said. My job was to protect her and our child. they were perfect. Zuki my moon and our daughter Shizen She touched her necklace and smiled. I couldn't save her I killed the killers and ran taking our childs paw and Zuki's teeth. I came here and bore five children two are dead and two hate me no wait three hate me. My mate only loves me if I'm of use and i'm left drowning She was going insane she began to laugh so hard that she nearly fell over. Taking a deep breath she looked at Charm. And here you are waving a hand at me who cares Who Fucking cares what the hell you think I'm nothing so what you do can't harm me anymore. She laughed lightly as she looked at her cold eyes.

I gave up charm, and some time soon Adwen will return and she will kill me and maybe then I'll be at peace. Though I'm a wicked soul I doubt I could ever be at peace. Was this what aeron wanted. Did she really want to push every last thing away? Did she really want to die as nothing?

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