there's a calm surrender
OOC: Go away, stupid cat. All is forgiven.

Sky would've normally told Fella to calm down and go away, but she quite enjoyed seeing a full grown wolf back off from a tiny, not even fully grown bobcat. Even if it was her mate, and even if he didn't fully deserve it. Blue eyes flicked over to the rose heart, the silver chain, and for a moment, she felt.. flattered. If that was his make-up gift, she'd be willing to accept it. She'd kept the first gift he'd given her, tucked safely away in the Den where no one would steal it, and where it wouldn't risk breaking.

She never wore the gifts unless it was a special occasion. And even then, she was fearful that they'd break or get lost. When he tossed it at her, she was quick to catch it, but slow to straighten again as she listened to him speak. He was apologizing and even offereing to leave her alone, but that wasn't what she wanted. She didn't want him to leave, she just wanted to hear him say sorry and mean it. This was more that a good enough apology.

She sent her feline 'son' a look and at first, he didn't pay it any mind. Then, she cleared her throat and he jumped a bit, looking over at her in confusion. He knew that look. That was the look that meant go find something to do... somewhere else. He'd learned early on not to disobey the woman and so, the cat turned and skirted towards the back of the house, hissing at Tal as he passed him.

Sky watched him go, then sighed and shook her head. "He's just upset. You know how cats can get." She explained softly. Then, in an act of forgiveness, she slipped the chain around her neck and looked at it fondly. "...don't leave." Eyes fell on his and she walked over to him, arms moving to loop around his shoulders in a hug. "I never wanted you to leave in the first place." And that was as close to an apology as he was getting from the stubborn hybrid. "...and it's only clutter if it's not special. This," She leaned back to look up at him, all of the bitter resentment now gone. "is a gift from my mate. That's about as special as it gets, if you ask me."


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