Old Friends
.: WC 446 :.

Aparantly the stupid one just didn’t get the point. If she didn’t know for sure where Shandom was then there was probably a reason for that. The missing did not want to be found, or at least if Shandom did he could send word out to her and would have let his pack know to be on the look out for a visitor. Her eyes scanned the coyote half breed, and she knew that Shandom couldn’t have been responsible for her being here now.

An ear flicked towards Soran as the dark wolf approached the scene. She would have turned to her but did not want to take her eyes off of this shady stranger, but the sound of Soran’s uneven steps crunching the snow told her who was coming; the one with the limp. She wasn’t unhappy to have her there.

“She’s looking for someone that she won’t find here,” she said casually. Soran was smart enough to understand that she did not want to outright tell the woman that Shandom lived among them. Titania had no idea who this person was or what her motives for finding Shandom were. What she did know was that Shandom had abandoned his pack for a better life. Who knows who or what would try to follow him. If he was here for a better life, and now was one of her kith, she would protect his anonymity. “I think it would be wise for her to return to where she came from and await word of this man, if he should want to send it. Perhaps you are missing a message right now, while you stand here and waste my time?”

Her eyes focused on Soran for a moment. She was a good woman, trying to diffuse a tense situation. Unfortunately the half breed couldn’t just learn to keep her snide remarks to herself. Her eyes jerked back to Terra, snorting half laughter. “Young? And what of you? A yearling at best.” Her speaking it to Soran was even more offensive than the comment itself. “And if you’re going to question me, you can at least have the guts to do it to my face.” Her voice was cool but her eyes held a challenge, searching Terra’s countenance and daring her to make eye contact.

But the moment broke as she looked at Soran again, one brow arched inquisitively. “Traveling, Soran?” She had made plans to travel with this one? Well, it went without saying that whatever plans they had were now canceled indefinitely. She didn’t think she should insult Soran by pointing that out aloud, since Soran had probably already made this decision on her own.

Table by the Mentors!

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