A Meal for Two

No rush. Sorry for the wait. Words – 300+

In the time Jaden had spent getting to know his friend, he’d never seen her quite so bothered as when the topic of love and family came up. The usually calm woman began to grow visually agitated as her tail lashed and her voice stiffened. The reasons she gave for the way her pack worked made sense. If something worked well, why look for error in it right? But what did pull at Jaden was when the woman contradicted herself. She said love was a notion lost to her and her pack, but went on to describe how love, even though it wasn’t quite the love her Shishen had been questioning, was what she felt for her Shepard, her father. It was interesting that she didn’t seem to catch this. Jaden respected the woman’s intelligence greatly so it wasn’t ignorance that kept her from connecting the dots. But then again, maybe it was ignorance of a different sort. Maybe X’yrin had simply never associated the word love with feelings she had. Perhaps she didn’t understand or want to understand the true implications of the word.

But the woman’s reasons for denying love now was not important. Jaden could see that she had been irritated by his questioning and decided upsetting his wonderful travel partner now was not worth quenching his interest. He stood and reseated himself next to his friend when she grew quiet. I have no doubt you will bring honor to wherever you go and that you will gain the respect you deserve from anyone you meet. He answered softly and tried to find her gaze. I have faith in that and I’m sure your Shepard would not have placed his faith lightly. I’m sorry if I offended you with my questions. It wasn’t my intention to poke at your way of life as if it were something strange or wrong. The man leaned forward and rested his forearms on his crossed legs. I was only looking to understand you a bit more, you’re the first Nomad I have ever met. An innocent grin rode his apology and he searched for forgiveness within the kind golden eyes of his companion.

Jaden does. "Jaden speaks." Jaden thinks.

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