I want your horror
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sosuwrimo 1097

She should have guessed that the dark man wasn’t aware of who she was. He should have been, of course, but sometimes she thought it entertaining when they didn’t. At other times, people just didn’t give a shit. That was caused her blood to boil. She had no issue whatsoever with tolerating the male before her. She had spoken to him with sour tones, and he has parried it instead of taking it like a dog’s master taking an unprovoked kick. Part of her wanted her minions to bite back, for the sake of variation. She loved being on the far top of the hierarchy; loved looking down at the many crawling minions, but that was not all she wished to see. Disrespect and speaking one’s mind was not the same thing, but few seemed to dare once she had flashed her pretty, sharp teeth and bitten them with her venomous tongue.

No, no, no.. The beast had been doing so well up until now. Eyes dressed with the lovely shades of freshly drawn blood focused sharply on his straightening form as he learned who she was. Was he to become another puppet, intent on either kissing her feet or fleeing from her sight? He had offered her a wonderful first impression, even if she hadn’t shown him this. Her pretty fur lifted just slightly, a silent sign of disapproval, though she didn’t expect him to understand why. Her frame adjusted quickly enough after this, turning back to its calm. The soft curve of her smile was ensured on her thin lips.

The words he spoke next made her wish to remove it though. Well, it was good for him that he liked it there. It was the reason why she too had made her way to the clan’s infamous borders, many years ago. She had sought blood of her blood, and though she came from a wolf mother and a hybrid father who both had vast connections and older siblings roaming these lands, Halo had made her choice and stuck with it. Why, she had even put a gun against her sister’s head and pulled the trigger. Mmmm, it was one of few memories she had from her guns. Once she had owned two, then one, but then that one too had broken, and she had never been successful in her pursuit for new parts. It was a shame, because she had been an accomplished shooter.

But that disappointment lay in the past and she had moved her focus onto other things. The sword was her faithful companion now, and it granted her a wicked feeling of satisfaction to know that somewhere else, her son was carrying its twin. But the advantage of a ranged weapon was one she missed, desperately, though she had yet to come up with the obvious solution. It was Ezekiel de le Poer that was the most accomplished archer in the clan—that she was aware of, at least—and he just rubbed her the entirely wrong way, always. The two were both warriors. The male had been Hydra of Inferni before he had been made King and Aquila of the savage clan. It would have made sense for them to come together and share their skills for the good of their group, but they didn’t. She couldn’t.

Her defeat had left their relationship destroyed, and she resisted every positive aspect of a possible future friendship. It was over and done between the two. It was a small wonder that the woman continued to hold the rank of top warrior, but perhaps this was because the blonde leader believed in keeping his enemies closest. She knew she was likely the most dangerous fighter in the clan. Her dedication to her tier couldn’t be questioned, as she committed several hours to her training every single day. She’d become a rapid dog if her job too was taken away from her. She didn’t mourn the loss of her position of leadership. Ezekiel was a man that didn’t seem to need (or want) support from another leader. Her opinions had fought his, and as the now only leader of the clan, it felt almost like he made his decisions to anger her. The easy promotions given to returning individuals that had let the clan down in the past.

”Purpose?” the woman echoed, though her tone was moist with sourness. Her negativity wasn’t supposed to be directed at him, but he was the closest creature here, and this introduced a subject that held the uttermost importance to her. Family was supposed to be everything, but she didn’t see the same thought in others. Too often has she seen family members break out of the ranks when the clan needed them the most. What was absolutely outrageous was that it wasn’t uncommon for the same bloody individuals to return at a later stage and expect to be greeted like family, as if their name and blood could excuse them from every treacherous deed. Zana’s presence infuriated her because she thought she was worth a damn shit after what she had done. The thought brought dark clouds to loom above her head.

”Does family give you purpose?” Columbine hadn’t committed a deed that required her to hate him, and hopefully he wouldn’t. Perhaps he would stay when others did not. There was no doubt in her mind that Zana would disappear (again) with time. But the new Lykoi siblings that had arrived showed such promise, and she willed them to be stronger in their faith than her own siblings and cousins had proved. There were many hybrids carrying the Lykoi surname, but so precious few were actually worthy to carry on that name. Once the name alone had spoken to her and made her star eyed, but now she knew better. They all had the ability to be great and horrible, but every garden had their share of weed, and Halo thought it best to just rip it up with roots intact, and forever banish it.

She let the anger refrain from entering the bright scarlet of her eyes, but he was certain to detect the bitterness that embraced her quiet tones as she asked him the question. Family was important and should give purpose, but she would never lift a finger for Zana unless she was forced to.

Your faith walks on broken glass

Halo Lykoi


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