[M] Bring me your joy and your sadness

She had to help him as always for he was a boy and as such useless with the trappings of prettiness and artistic flair for design and beauty. His style was more spiritual and lingering than bold and bright, he was just that kind of person, quiet and serene, content to just sit back and watch things drift by him slowly. For all the dominating power that all of his sisters gave him over them never once did he abuse this and use it against them to cause them misery or fear, the very idea was reprehensible to him, abhorred and disgusting. That such people existed in the world that would do such a thing at times filled him with a boiling, writing hatred to hunt them down and tear their souls from their bodies to be devoured by the evil shadows and tormented for all eternity. Dalgina, Pandora and Keldava would always have a friend within him to call their own and their home, a teacher to guide and a friendly ear to listen, for he was their brother and that was his role as guardian of them all.

The usually still male wriggled in a most unusual manner for himself upon the grass he was seated and reached forwards to grasp Pandora's hands as she spoke. Only his family, in particular his sisters and especially Pandora could provoke such sudden movements out of him. The end of his tail danced back and forth within the long stalks of green like a toy being shook by a child. He nodded his head, agreeing with her,

"Yes. But then we are still getting used to these forms we hold. Maybe in a few more moons we will not think it so strange." Ever wise his conclusions were as logical as they were swift coming, his hands returned to himself feeling empty now for the lack of her grip. His eyebrows rose however as his sister fell into silence, where was the chatter? the laughter and noise. He found when she fell quiet that he missed it and would rather forsake the silence for the sound of her voice so happy and carefree. Her actions spoke of nervousness, of shy and peculiar emotions that were not normally associated with himself or shown to himself by her. It was unusual and for once it took Honrin more than a handful of seconds to figure out the answer he desired.

When he did, ivory ears pulled up tall and amber orbs widened, snowy tail stopped thumping for a mere second before returning at double the speed. Slowly moon yellow eyes returned from their widened gaze and he observed her quietly, vision roaming over her colors and markings, she was so exquisite he had always said so to himself,

"I must admit, I am quite curious myself." Slowly the man boy removed the quiver and bow tied at his back and laid it on the grass next to himself, he didn't need it for now. With a contented sigh he laid back on the foliage and rested his arms behind his head, his eyes closed. He knew she wouldn't act when his eyes were upon her so intense and curious but laid back with them closed he struck a particularly submissive pose, less frightening for her.

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