the sweetest eyes i've ever seen

WC: 502

Much had happened to him since he had left Ichika. Gideon was the same wolf in many ways…but in others, he had changed drastically. The small amount of social anxiety that he had often felt in the past had seemed to disappear as he had gained his independence from the pack. His warrior skills had improved as he’d fought off other loners who had tried to steal catches from him or his firestarting materials. Such things were valued in the winter, when prey was in shorter supply. One canine that he’d met had even gone to cannibalism, having killed and devoured his traveling partner when times had gotten too rough. Gideon could not imagine such things, personally…he had no desire to harm any canines that were not deserving of it, and he would never grow so hungry that he would hurt a friend or traveling partner. He’d rather die himself.

It would seem that the cities in this area came far and in between, and thus far he had not found one that hosted the same variety of human objects as Halifax had. However, he’d managed to gather up a few new items since he had left the pack despite that fact. In the first small city he had located a few new weapons and in the next he’d found a stockpile of hand-made paper and charcoal pencils that had been left behind by another luperci. Perhaps they had perished in this winter. He’d taken both of those items with him now and used them frequently, learning how to work with the knife set that he had picked up. He was also trying to teach himself how to read and write…the paper and pencils were coming in use, though the charcoal pencils were hard to grip due to their small size. He was making due with it, puzzling over the books and practicing the lettering each and every day.

He held his hands up in the air to show that he did not hold any weapons, looking back at the other canine with wide eyes. He could smell Saul’s scent on the breeze, familiar as ever…the wind was in Gideon’s direction, allowing him to catch his brother’s scent…but perhaps his brother could not smell him. Another thing that had tipped him off to the fact that it was Saul was his horse – not many luperci traveled by horse, at least not many that he’d met out here…it was quite unique. He cleared his throat before speaking, wanting his words to come across as clearly as possible. Would his brother be upset with him now that he’d found out where he was? Would he try to bring him back to the lands that he’d left behind? He wasn’t going back…but he would listen to his brother’s words if he chose to try and convince him. Gideon raised an eyebrow, responding quietly and taking a few steps closer. ”Have I changed so much that you would not recognize your own flesh and blood, brother?”

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