[M] Dark Souls

Word Count :: 561 OOC

The numbness that had so protected him from the true pain of the situation now began fading, and he began to hurt. Flesh had not torn asunder in such a way since his fight with the Salsolian bitch many moons ago. Funny that he would sustain such injuries from a lover’s embrace rather than an enemies. The blood seeped from him still, and his tongue moved from Halo’s shoulder to lick at the wounds she had given him, before return again to hers. Helotes slowly went to lie down beside her then, instead of remaining arched above her. He pulled her panting body to his, the knot now fully engorged with no hope of breaking free.

The heat between them lingered, though its source was beginning to fade. Helotes dragged his claws softly over her back, in raking patterns that did not even hint at being able to pierce skin. It was a nearly affectionate motion, and one that went in time to her breathing. He did not want to ruin what had just transpired between them with sickly romance, but he could not help but to caress his master turned lover. Already his mind moved to the future, and if such a rendezvous could occur again; Helotes would very much enjoy such a venture once more.

The ear that was not pressed against the damp furs moved slowly to listen for any sounds that would foretell of the return of the pups, he was sure that Halo would not want for her children to come in to see her in such a state, in the arms of a man that was not their father. But he heard nothing for now, save the usual sounds of the other inhabitants of the mansion moving about. The dark Lykoi male then went to rub the side of his muzzle against hers, one of his canines still protruding from blood stained lips to slide along her whiskers. He said nothing, but a soft purr of a growl came from his throat then, as he slid a hand from her back to her front, to reach down and softly stroke the enlarged mass of tissue between the softest of all fur between her legs. He did this to both please and hurt her, for he knew that after the height of ecstasy the sensitive flesh of her womanhood would be raw and any touch maddening.

Even though the most intense moment had faded, there were still bouts of ejaculatory muscles clenching as the two of them were tied in the mating knot. It was only after the entirety of the seed had been delivered that his glands finally began to diminish. Helotes let out a masculine sigh as he moved his hand away from her feminine parts and gently tugged himself out of her, but he remained lying beside her for a moment longer. A part of him, the part of him that still interwove sex and love, urged him to stay by her side, but he knew it could not be so. He may have claimed her body this night but he had not claimed her black heart. He chanced to look at her intensely then, saying nothing, not boasting of his prowess or complimenting her abilities. No, instead he waited for her to chase him away, as he was certain she would do.

Image courtesy of Brujo+; Table by the Mentors!

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