Long live love

Word Count → 349 :: Geh, used the wrong table.

Hotaru held the squirming puppy, her gentle arms cradling the small form like she was made of glass. Underneath her fingers Sophie squirmed and howled with laughter. Despite the puppies original protest to being picked up, it seemed like she quite enjoyed the tickling. Hotaru smiled, her heart warmed and her desires for puppies of her own children growing rapidly.

Sophie's words really surprised Hotaru. Although the older female had been joking it seemed as if Sophie thought she was serious. The grey wolf was not used to dealing with children and wondered how she should respond to Shopie's words. All Hotaru wanted to do was keep holding the small child forever, but Sophie was not her child and had to be returned sometime. With sadness in her eyes, Hotaru removed her hand from Sophie's belly and carefully righted the puppy.

With a slow, fluid movement Hotaru set the puppy down in front of her. Okay Sophie, if you say so." Hotaru placed her large hands on top of Sophie's head, letting it rest there for a minute. A sad smile crossed her face as she recalled her own childhood and how her mother used to do the same thing when she was sad. Like mother, like daughter. "Oh Sophie, don't ever grow up." Hotaru couldn't help but wonder, if she let the small puppy go would they ever see each other again? The young wolf was not that far away from d'Arte, yet Hotaru had no idea where Sophie actually lived. At least if she knew then she could visit Sophie, but without that knowledge then they might not find each other again.

Suddenly, Hotaru had a great idea. If she couldn't find Sophie, then perhaps Sophie could find her. "Sophie, listen closely okay. If you ever get lonely head west to where the colored tree is. That's where I live and if you call, I'll come over to play." Hotaru knew Sophie was still young, but perhaps her parents might bring her to d'Arte or when Sophie got older she could travel there herself. Either way, they might be able to each other again if Sophie knew where to find Hotaru.

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