Nothing is like home
I didn't translate the arabic so pretend yup awkward 207 words

Imhotep was busy poking around and through the stuff in the store. He poked under the counter looking for things that he liked. He found that there was nothing else in this building that made the Egyptian man happy. He huffed as he moved through the building ducking under a broken structure he moved out the door standing straight he smiled.

He pulled his cloak tight and readied to battle the elements of the great north. the dessert man looked about as he spotted a dark vixen. sun eyes looked at the woman over. Greeting norther maiden He spoke. He moved towards her a smile on his face.

Imhotep reached for her and smiled. I wondered when I'd see the flower that plaques my mind He spoke in his native arabic. He knew she would not under stand but he enjoyed speaking his native tongue. He wanted to teach her. He not only just learning English but he wanted to teach her his ways as well.

Imhotep looked at him entranced by her. He took in a breath and smiled. My friend He spoke in English though his thick arabic accent made the simple statement hard. Glad see you he said as he gave her a smile.

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