Cry Traitor and Sing Conviction
Icy blue hues, took in the pleasant little thing in front of him. Even if he was mated to X’y it still didn’t mean he couldn’t appreciate the female form, if for but a second. But his words didn’t let him enjoy the pleasant smile on her face, her features dimmed, as the light that clung to her form fizzled out. For once he wished he couldn’t always be the bearer of bad news but it seemed he was destined to be that for now. For him he assumed as he should have that the coyote pack was as it always had been a judgmental and unforgiving lot. But he never really imagined seeing such a depressing look of sadness from one who had been up until recently one of their own. He offered a small comforting smile to the beautiful lady, hoping in some small way it would comfort her.

Some part of him urged him to do something then, his body moved forward, she spoke of death and even his hardened frame knew the toll it did to the soul. Gently he placed a big paw like hand on her shoulder as comfort. Such a creature like her shouldn’t ever know death; death should come gently to them in their old age, not as some act of butchery for them to witness and to take something more important away from their soul. Saluce had lost his innocence to that long ago, he still remembered the day, and he still missed the part of him that had died that day as well.

“Whatever it is they say, doesn’t matter, I only worry about you and the rest of the pack. Anyone who comes and goes close to our borders doesn’t go unnoticed to me, but if you get into trouble, you can always call for me.” In this pack of the peace loving he was an outcast himself, having been tainted by the same devil that touched most of the more violent packs in the area. But he understood that side of him, and that made him all the more dangerous, because when channeled into a purpose no one dare step between him and someone under his protection.

“No one other than X’y or myself are aware that I know of, but I won’t be able to contain the rumors for very long or at all Sage. I just thought I’d try and get to you first so you could prepare yourself mentally.” With that he gave her shoulder a soft squeeze before letting it retreat back to his side.

“X’y and myself will be at your disposal should you need anything Sage.”

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